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Ruth Dennis


Dripping Paint

Choke chok cho

Before they choke me and snatch my reality

Before my words shall no longer be free 

Before my thoughts become to much for them to bare

Before they label me militant and unfair

Before they turn my words of love and peace into hate

Before free speech has reached its fate


About Ruth Dennis

"Mom, I'm bored," I said while on punishment for like the hundredth time. She lay there on the floor because of her bad back and calmly said, "Go read a book. It will take you many places." She continued, "There's an old trunk in the basement full of books. Pick one and read it."


I hesitantly went to the basement, opened up the old yellow and brown, peeling trunk. I picked out the first book titled "The Bluest Eye" by Toni Morrison. Thus started my love for reading and writing. Now, here I am at age 54, ready to publish my first poetry book, and next, my autobiography. It was a long, hard road to get here but through trials and tribulations, I made it. Thank God.

For All Inquiries

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